
"When I learned of the shootings I was heart-wrenched. I immediately began to pray. I began to pray that your church would be empowered to witness to the self-sacrificial, suffering love of the God revealed in Jesus of Nazareth. Some minutes later, I learned of a second great tragedy, a greater tragedy, and one that I did not expect. I learned that the gunman was shot and killed by a paid employee of your congregation of believers. Hearing this, I was devastated. The life of an unbeliever was traded for the lives of believers. A man was consigned to eternal separation from God in order to save from heaven those who are assured of salvation... The watching world today learned that followers of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, do not love their enemies so much, do not believe so much in the resurrection of the dead that they will not arm themselves against aggression."

Your servant,

"Rather than engage hearers by first trying to convince them of their guilt before a righteous God, Bell starts with what the hearers already know: we are deeply ashamed of not being good enough."
-Mark Driscoll was wrong, Rob Bell's not a freakin heretic

"Supporters claim it is not a national ID because it is voluntary," Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, one of the eight Republicans to object to the measure, said during the floor debate this week. "However, any state that opts out will automatically make nonpersons out of its citizens. They will not be able to fly or to take a train."

-National ID Cards on the Way?