
I speak to fewer people

I have been in touch lately with my inner self,
the fruit picker who lived all those years in a motel.
I shaded my story so it proved everything I did was
by intention. After each love affair, each participant
received a little gift. I mean someone always said:
You didn’t really love her. I speak to fewer people
than ever. No matter what it looks like—I say this
every chance I get—something divine is going on.
And wonder: Is it? I’d like to lose a little weight.
Just the same, the marriage had its good points.
I still can’t tell you what I am known for. I’m easily
shamed. On my walks I hope to meet someone interesting,
someone I have been headed toward all my life,
or simply someone without too much guile, a friendly
person with a little intelligence. Maybe we will
walk along together, talking about romance or trucks.

-Charlie Smith, from Word Comix (Norton, 2009)

[via belz, see also "Los Dos Rancheros"]