I think it’s, in a sense, laughable to say that any poetry is impersonal, because the motive is terribly personal. And if you wind up writing about a cup, there is some personal reason that you’re writing about that, and some personal way that you’re approaching its dimension, or color, or placement in the universe. We can’t hide ourselves. That’s the truth. No poetry, however apparently impersonal, allows us to hide. And if you have hidden, you’ve really failed. I mean, it means that you’ve been opaque. It means that you have perhaps written something that’s already been written. Because, then your words would be hidden directly behind somebody else’s words. They wouldn’t exist independently. There’s no hiding.
-Kay Ryan
-Kay Ryan
.................................................—Walter Savage LandorOn love, on grief, on every human thing,
Time sprinkles Lethe's water with his wing.
[Pinsky discusses]

-W. Benjamin, in his "Theses on the Philosophy of History”
LOS ANGELES—Executives at Paramount Pictures announced Monday that production had finally wrapped on The Brothers Karamazov, a new film adaptation that concludes at the precise moment most readers give up on the classic Russian novel.
-relevant to my life right now
-relevant to my life right now

-Bob Dylan who is so cool!
the distance that wedged itself between me and my happiness wasn't the world, it wasn't the bombs and burning buildings, it was me, my thinking... what did thinking ever do for me, to what great place did thinking ever bring me? I think and think and think, I've thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it.
-Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
-Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
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